TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV is de verantwoordelijke voor de persoonsgegevensverwerking, zoals omschreven in deze privacyverklaring.
Postadres: Olivier van Noortweg 1 5993 SL Maasbree
Telefoonnummer: 0773872662
KvK-nummer: 12031009
Btw-nummer: NL808763647B01
Aangesloten bij brancheorganisatie: RAI Carrosserie NL
Functionaris Gegevensbescherming/Data Protection Officer: Ernst Jansen.
TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV stelt deze privacyverklaring op om inzicht te geven over het gebruik van persoonsgegevens op (hierna "de website"), en alle aan de website gerelateerde domeinen.
Onder persoonsgegevens worden alle gegevens verstaan waarmee een individu geïdentificeerd kan worden, zoals de naam, het klantnummer en de persoonlijke contactgegevens. Gegevens die niet persoonlijk zijn, maar in combinatie met persoonlijke gegevens tot identificatie van de gebruiker leiden, hebben tevens te gelden als persoonsgegevens.
Deze privacyverklaring is van toepassing op iedereen die de website bezoekt, of op enig andere wijze met de website communiceert (hierna "de gebruiker").
TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV verbindt zich ertoe de Verordening (EU) 2016/679 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 27 april 2016 betreffende de bescherming van natuurlijke personen in verband met de verwerking van persoonsgegevens en betreffende het vrije verkeer van die gegevens en tot intrekking van Richtlijn 95/46/EG (algemene verordening gegevensbescherming) en de Uitvoeringswet Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming in acht te nemen.
TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV draagt zorg voor passende maatregelen ter bescherming van de verzamelde en verwerkte persoonsgegevens.
In het geval van vragen naar aanleiding van deze privacyverklaring, of andere aan privacybescherming gerelateerde vragen, kan contact opgenomen worden via:
E-mail adres:
Tel: 077-3960448.
Tevens kan er rechtstreeks contact opgenomen worden met de Functionaris voor de Gegevensbescherming via:
Deze privacyverklaring is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op: 23 mei 2023.
When using the website or services of TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV, the following personal data may be collected and processed:
First and last name, address givens, telephone number and email address.
With due observance of privacy legislation, the users' personal data will only be used for the following purposes:
Your personal information is necessary to be able to contact you for an introduction and/or job application.
Pursuant to Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation, the processing of personal data for the above purposes has the following basis:
The user has given permission for the processing of his personal data. (paragraph 1 sub a) The given consent can be withdrawn by the user at any time.
The processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party. (paragraph 1 sub f) The legitimate interests concern the following:
Your personal information is necessary to be able to contact you for an introduction and/or job application.
Personal data may be provided by TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV to third parties if this is compatible with the purpose stated in this privacy statement for which the data was collected.
Personal data is only provided for the period and scope that is necessary for the execution of the assignment given by TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV to the recipients.
In all cases of providing personal data to third parties, TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV ensures that the data is only used for the intended purposes and is kept in accordance with the legally assured level of protection.
TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV never sells the user's data for commercial purposespurposes.
The personal data will not be used or stored by TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV for longer than is necessary to achieve the objectives for which the data is collected in accordance with this agreement.
The retention period is in any case no longer than: 1 month.
The user of the website can at any time exercise his rights with regard to TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV.
The user can make his request to exercise one or more of his rights known to TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV using one of the contact details of TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV or the Data Protection Officer mentioned in this privacy statement.
TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV will comply with the user's request, unless the request is unfounded or excessive.
TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV will respond to the user's request no later than one month after the request, even if the request is not complied with.
The response to the request must be clear to the user, and must be provided to the user in writing or by other (electronic) means.
a. Right to information about the processing
The user of the website has the right to a clear and transparent explanation about the data processing.
Through this privacy statement, TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV provides information about the source of the data, the data recipient(s), the objectives, necessity and basis of the data processing, the guarantees for data protection, the retention period, the contact details for complaints, the rights of the user .
b.Right of access
The user of the website has the right, at reasonable intervals, to view his personal data that has been collected.
TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV provides the user, if requested, with access to an overview containing at least the following information regarding the user:
the purposes for the data processing;
the categories of personal data that are processed;
the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data will be transferred;
the retention period of the personal data;
the right to change, delete, limit, or object;
the right to file a complaint.
When the user requests access to his collected personal data, the identity of the user is determined by TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV before access is granted.
If a copy of the data is provided to the user, no costs will be charged for the provision of the copy, unless the user wishes to receive multiple copies and a reasonable fee can be requested for this on the basis of administrative costs.
The copy is provided in writing, including in electronic form.
If the user submits the request for inspection electronically, the copy of the data will also be provided in electronic form, unless the user requests otherwise.
A copy of the personal data will be provided to the user within one month of the request.
c. Right to rectification
The user of the website has the right to correct or supplement his personal data if they are inaccurate.
If the user does not have the option to correct or supplement his personal data himself, the user can instruct TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV to correct or supplement his personal data.
TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV will inform all recipients of the personal data of the changed data, unless this proves impossible or requires a disproportionate effort in relation to the interests of the user. TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV provides the user with information about these recipients if the user requests this.
d. Right to erasure
The user of the website has the right to have his collected personal data erased by TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV, if one of the situations referred to in Article 17, paragraph 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation is involved.
The user also has the right to 'be forgotten' if TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV has made the user's personal data public and the user requests the erasure of his data. TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV must in this case take the necessary measures to inform other controllers that the user wishes to delete his personal data or any copy thereof.
A request for erasure of personal data need not be complied with if the processing of the data is necessary for one of the reasons stated in Article 17(3) of the General Data Protection Regulation.
e. Right to restriction of processing
The user of the website has the right to limit the processing of his personal data if one of the situations referred to in Article 18, paragraph 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation applies.
In the case of exercising the limitation of personal data processing, the data may only be processed:
with the consent of the user;
for the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal claim;
to protect the rights of third parties or for important reasons of public interest for the European Union or a Member State.
TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV informs all recipients of the personal data of the limitation of data processing, unless this proves impossible or requires a disproportionate effort in relation to the interests of the user. TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV provides the user with information about these recipients if the user requests this.
f. Right to data portability
The user of the website has the right to obtain his personal data from TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV in a structured, common and machine-readable form and to pass it on to another controller, without TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV hindering him in this, if there is one of the situations referred to in Article 20(1) of the General Data Protection Regulation.
If the user exercises his right to data portability, the user also has the right to have the personal data transferred directly from one controller to another, unless this is technically impossible.
The exercise of the right to portability is without prejudice to the right to erasure of data. This right does not apply to processing that is necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest or a task in the context of the exercise of public authority entrusted to TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV.
The exercise of the right to portability does not affect the rights and freedoms of third parties.
g. Right of objection
The user of the website has the right to object at all times, due to his specific situation, to the processing of his personal data by TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV.
In the above case, TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV will cease processing the user's personal data, unless TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV can invoke compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that outweigh the interests, rights and freedoms of the user, or that are related with the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal claim.
When processing personal data for direct marketing purposes, the user has the right to object at any time to the processing of his personal data.
If the user objects to data processing for direct marketing purposes, the data will no longer be processed for these purposes.
h. Right of complaint
The user of the website has the right to submit a complaint regarding the processing of his personal data by TRUCK SUPPORT Venlo BV to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
Complaints regarding the processing of the user's personal data as well as complaints regarding incorrect compliance with applicable law can be submitted.
The Dutch Data Protection Authority has been appointed in the Netherlands to monitor personal data processing. Information regarding the Dutch Data Protection Authority can be found at
This privacy statement may be used in connection with mt new developments of the website or an adjustment of the legal obligations are changed.
The most recent version of the privacy statement can be consulted on the website. The last modification date is stated here.